GYN Cancers Alliance (GYNCA)


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About Us

Organization Description
GYN Cancers Alliance provides education, resources and support to local women and caregivers affected by gynecologic cancers across more than 30 counties in and around Southwest Missouri.

Services include: fuel assistance, non-medical financial assistance, support groups in person and online

Resources include: free wigs and private wig fittings by appointment, over-the-counter care/comfort supplies, nutritional supplies, incontinence supplies

Also known as GYNCA, we began organizing in 2000 as a support group for women with gynecologic cancer, as up to that point the only support groups available were dedicated to breast cancer or were mixed groups for all types of cancers. Our founder, Joy Lamberson-Klock, struggled to find other people in those support groups who understood the unique challenges and experiences she faced with gynecologic cancer. So, she put her business skills to work and started one herself with other local gynecologic cancer patients. Twenty-five years later, GYN Cancers Alliance continues to grow and carry on Joy's legacy - currently serving over 360 women per month on average!
Year Founded
December 1, 2000
Organization Website
Languages Served

Contact Info

Phone Number
Social Info


Street Address
3039 S Fort Ave, Suite A
Location of Organization
North America
3039 S Fort Ave, Suite A

More info about Organization

Major recurring events hosted by the organization
Teal to Heal in November
Spring Luncheon and Survivor Fashion Show in April
Presenting Sponsor of Go Girl Run Springfield in April
Teal in the Park with the Springfield Cardinals Baseball Team in September
Major awareness or communications campaigns and/or collaborations your organization is involved in
Shelly Sachs Wig Room - a partnership of GYN Cancers Alliance and Shelly Sachs Foundation with support from Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks is located in the GYN Cancers Alliance office and provides free wigs in private appointments for patients with any type of cancer diagnosis.
What description best describes your organization?
Patient Advocacy and/or Support Group
Number of Employees
Number of Volunteers Annually
Volunteer Opportunities
  • Assisting with the GYNCA vendor booths at community events
  • Assisting staff during fundraising and awareness events
  • Assembling care bags
  • Washing used donated wigs
  • Stuffing folders and envelopes for distribution
  • Distributing flyers for fundraising and awareness events
  • Guest speaking at a support group meeting
Estimated number of patients and/or caregivers served annually
300 - 400
Number of awareness events held annually
Number of support group meetings held annually

More information about Area, Activity and Services

Cancer Disease(s) of Focus
All Gynecologic Cancers
Raising Awareness, In person patient/survivor/caregiver support services, Peer-to-peer support groups, Caregiver support, Facilitated support groups, Wig services, Housing support, Transportation support
Advocacy and Awareness Activities Interested In
Raising Cancer Awareness, Educational Activities, Improving equity diversity and inclusion, Fundraising, Storytelling/Narratives, Improving Access to Treatment Options, Survivorship support
Methods of Communication
Online Community Forums, Telephone Service, Videos
Member/Audience Type
Cancer Patients and Survivors, Family Members and/or Caregivers of Patients