Foundation for Women’s Cancer


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About Us

Organization Description
The Foundation for Women’s Cancer (FWC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing research, education and awareness of gynecologic cancers, risks, prevention, early detection and optimal treatment. The FWC is the official foundation of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO).
Year Founded
April 6, 2012
Languages Served
Chinese, Spanish, English, Arabic

Contact Info

Phone Number
Social Info

Organization Photos


Street Address
620 N. LaSalle Dr.
United States
Location of Organization
North America
620 N. LaSalle Dr.

More info about Organization

Major recurring events hosted by the organization
The FWC hosts our annual Move4Her signature fundraising event that calls on everyone connected to women's health to move today for more tomorrows. The Foundation encourages everyone to commit to moving more and raising critical funds that support increased education initiatives, research funding, and targeted treatments for gynecologic cancers.

Through our #MoveTheMessage initiative, the FWC partners with organizations across the country to attend events and provide resources that primarily educate underserved populations about gynecologic cancers. These events have allowed the Foundation to distribute thousands of brochures to event attendees.
Major awareness or communications campaigns and/or collaborations your organization is involved in
The Foundation for Women's Cancer acknowledges 50+ awareness campaigns annually, including Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, World Cancer Day and more.
What description best describes your organization?
Foundation or Trust
Number of Employees
Estimated number of patients and/or caregivers served annually
The Foundation for Women's Cancer served nearly 15,000 people through in-person outreach and events in 2023. 57,000 accessed the Foundation website in 2023, and 43,000 educational brochures were distributed through in-person events, online downloads and QR codes.

More information about Area, Activity and Services

Cancer Disease(s) of Focus
All Gynecologic Cancers
Raising Awareness, Written information/advice, Online information, Caregiver support, Funding research
Advocacy and Awareness Activities Interested In
Raising Cancer Awareness, Educational Activities, Research Initiatives, Fundraising, Storytelling/Narratives, Survivorship support
Methods of Communication
Blogs, Live Webinars, Podcasts, Videos, Written Information
Member/Audience Type
Cancer Patients and Survivors, Patient Advocates, Family Members and/or Caregivers of Patients, Physicians (Cancer Specialists), Physicians (OB/GYN), General Physicians, Researchers and Scientists, Industry Professionals